What we did

Working together with our ad partners, we built a full demand generation strategy. Our strategy included:


-Content marketing

-Paid social


Since the website had no content on it, we started by building the most important bottom-funnel pieces (e.g. “buy hotel door lock”). These pieces are still the pages that drive the most conversions from organic traffic today.In fact, in optimizing one page for only 1 bottom-funnel keyword (and building a supporting topic cluster around it), that one page ended up ranking for 803 variations of that keyword, with a value of $1280 per month.

operto case study

While waiting for SEO to kick in, we worked with our partners to run PPC and social ads, which got Operto:

-Half a million impressions per month

-Cost per conversion of $27

While PPC and paid ads drove the most traffic early on, about 7 months in, organic search became the leading driver of traffic for the website, growing by about 20% MoM.Within 11 months, we tripled their inbound lead number and put them well toward their goals.

Within 11 months, we tripled their inbound lead number and put them well toward their goals.

How we did it

Our goal was revenue, but we had a few different issues to address:

-The website was brand new and had zero topical authority (it had very little well-optimized content published about the topics they want to rank for)

-Its brand name wasn’t that well known yet


So we build a topic cluster that touched on several parts of the funnel and in each of its given verticals (hotels, vacation rentals). We started from content that was made for people who were most ready to buy.

For example, operators searching for “hotel door locks” are far more ready to buy than those searching for terms around “eco-friendly hotel ideas”, but it still targets the right reader and starts to build authority around the topic.

We mapped out several topic clusters and built them from the bottom up, also including a few pieces that their sales team can use in conversations. Those sales/thought leadership pieces were distributed through paid social to build awareness.

Then, we also retargeted warm traffic on both Google and paid social.

We also created two white papers with proprietary and built the funnels in Active Campaign, which was a huge driver of leads.


Operto is still our client, but after 12 months together, they have:

-3x more inbound leads

-400% growth in ARR

-Turned organic search into the #1 driver of inbound revenue

operto organic growth

Operto’s organic search traffic growth over the year, since we started working together

Quadrupling revenue in 12 months: Operto case study

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